About The Therapist
My name is Jim Liddle and I am a Qualified (1992), Insured, Experienced (20+yrs), Registered Massage and Relaxation Therapist who is skilled in Bodywork with Men.
I bring to this therapeutic area 30+ years of experience as a caring professional People Helper, as well as previously being an active key voluntary player in the field of LGBT Rights, Justice and Pastoral Care.
As a Gay man, I appreciate the importance of self awareness, tolerance, empathy, understanding, sensitivity, humour, kindness and a forgiving, reconciling, compassionate spirit.

I seek to work with men in a friendly, open, honest and respectful manner while maintaining professional therapy standards of integrity.
The caring, spiritual dimension of myself influences my approach to life and bodywork with men.
To date I have worked with Gay, Bisexual and Straight men aged 19 – 70+.
These guys have included Students, Sportsmen, Actors, Dancers, Tradesmen, Professionals, Senior Citizens, The Unemployed and Survivors of Abuse, as well as those with a range of Disabilities or living with a Terminal Illness.

I enjoy the rewarding challenge of relaxing Men of different ages, backgrounds, needs and body types – everyone deserves to be pampered!